What Are The Benefits Of Using A Kettlebell?

We often see kettlebells sat in the corner of a gym or exercise space, but unless you've seen someone using it, you may not know what you should do with it.

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10 Common Exercise Myths

It is hard enough to start a new fitness regime without being told lots of facts that can put you off. As with many things in life however, many of these facts are actually fiction and should not sway you from beginning your fitness journey.

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5 Ways To Kick Start Your Fitness This New Year

Many of us are guilty of it every New Year's Eve, making resolutions about our health and fitness that we are destined to fail. However, it doesn’t need to be this way. 

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Ten Reps, Ten Sets, Ten Weeks - The Only Training Workout You'll Ever Need

Ten Reps, Ten Sets, Ten Weeks - The Only Training Workout You'll Ever Need

Ideal for quickly building up muscle mass, German Volume Training is a rigorous regime that relies on repetition and resilience. This method of training is difficult and will require some trial and error before you have got it down, but one you do you will

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5 Kettlebell Exercises for Beginners

Kettlebells have made a huge comeback in the fitness world, and they are great for users of all abilities to tone muscle and build core strength in a group setting or alone at home. Kettlebells are available in a range of weight increments to allow you to

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Treadmill Workouts at Home: Interval Training

If there is one exercise machine that everybody wants at home, it’s a treadmill.  Exercise regimes can be fully controlled and versatile, and an attractive alternative to running in the rain.  The main concern that most people face when looking to invest

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