For experienced weight lifters who enjoy the versatility that weight training can offer to a well-rounded fitness regime, Olympic bars are a terrific way to present new challenges and develop an exercise programme with one piece of equipment. They also allow multiple users of differing abilities to use the same Olympic bar by changing the weight value attached to them, making them affordable pieces of home fitness equipment.
We have a number of high quality cast iron weights suitable for 1” Olympic bars and spinlock dumbbells available in a number of weight increments for beginners and experts alike. All of our weights are reliable, solid and have the weight value clearly marked on them; so they are perfect for beginners and seasoned weightlifters alike. For further details on the range of weights we have to offer please browse our full category and don’t forget to see our range of 1” Olympic bars to see a number of straight bars, curl bars and tricep bars to vary the type of exercises and the muscle groups worked.