Supplementing a well-rounded cardiovascular workout with some weight training is a terrific way for the fitness enthusiast to build muscle mass, develop explosive power and strengthen key muscle groups. Whilst back and lat machines are popular pieces of fitness equipment in commercial gyms, more and more people prefer to exercise in the comfort of their own home and to their own schedule, and our range of home weight machines is the perfect place for fitness enthusiasts to find the ideal piece of equipment for themselves.
All of our upper body weight machines are designed to offer the best in comfort and performance to facilitate effective muscle workouts. Working the back, shoulders and arms with a weight machine improves endurance, sculpts muscles and increases strength; and our machines allow the user to develop their training programme by adding Olympic weights, challenging themselves as their confidence increases.
With an independent range of motion to facilitate accelerated muscle gain, many of our upper body machines are suitable for both beginners and experts. We even have pull-up machines which simply use body weight to improve muscle tone and mass, which is perfect for the beginner introducing themselves to weight training.
For more information on our rage of lat and back machines please visit the pages listed below.