How Important Is Sleep To Our Health?

Experts are often heard to say that quality sleep is vital for our health, helping to improve our brain performance and reducing the risk of a range of illnesses, such as heart disease and stroke related obesity.

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What Are The Best Ab Exercises To Do?

We all want that perfect body, especially when we have a holiday on the horizon, but if we’re truly honest with ourselves, we know that there is no such thing.

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What Should My Heart Rate Be When I Exercise?

When we think about health and fitness, the subject of heart rate will often come to mind. It is something that gym instructors will talk about in PT sessions and classes, it will be displayed on exercise equipment as we work out and perhaps something that

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What Are The Best Exercises For Older Adults?

When we reach a certain age, we run the risk of reducing our exercise time dramatically. This could be because we get tired more easily or are perhaps worried about causing ourselves an injury through exerting ourselves too much.

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What Is Interval Training?

We often hear fitness terms when we’re in the gym or are talking about exercise with friends and colleagues, but may not necessarily know what they are talking about. You may have found this with the term interval training. People often throw it into their

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A Guide To Eating Protein

When you start your journey to keeping fit you may just be concentrating on the way you work out your body. However, what you put into your body is just as important. 

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