A Guide To Exercising Safely During Pregnancy

Whether you are new to exercising or are a regular at the gym, working out whilst pregnant has many benefits that can help you through those nine months and beyond.

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How To Use Resistance Bands

When looking for a cost effective, easy work-out that you can do at home, you really can’t go wrong with resistance bands. They are wonderfully versatile, highly effective and take up literally no space to store.

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A Guide To Your Post-Workout Cool Down

In our last blog we covered how important it is to stretch before you exercise, which can help to prevent pains, strains and injury. We also explained that it is equally as important to perform cool down stretches when you have finished, which will remove

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A Guide To Pre-Workout Stretching

It is important to stretch before and after exercising, yet it is surprising how many people do not do it. Whether they do not see the point, do not feel like they have the time, or simply can’t be bothered, it can be detrimental to your fitness and can

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A Guide To Enjoying Exercise

There are some people who love to exercise, getting up early to fit in a morning workout, looking forward to that next gym session. Then there are the rest of us, who will find any excuse to avoid building up a sweat and resist the call of the gym no matter

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What Are The Benefits Of Using A Kettlebell?

We often see kettlebells sat in the corner of a gym or exercise space, but unless you've seen someone using it, you may not know what you should do with it.

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