
5 Easy Gym Workouts

If you’re a determined gym goer, part of your motivation will be attending with a plan in your mind of what you want to achieve. Rather than dithering over what piece of equipment to use and when, a gym workout plan will help you to gain the most out of

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6 Benefits Of Spinning

One of the many reasons for wanting to hop on your bicycle on a nice day is to gain some good exercise and to get from one place to another. However what happens when the weather isn’t so great? Trying an indoor cycling class or practicing spinning at home

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6 Ideas For A Home Workout

Now that the weather has become more unappealing than ever, finding the motivation to step outside and exercise is difficult. After coming home from a day at work, the last thing you will feel like doing is going outside again and facing the difficult weather

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How To Lose Body Fat After Christmas

It’s always hard getting back into a normal routine after Christmas and with most of us guilty of overindulging, regaining fitness will be a tough task. For some this may be a challenge of both shedding a few pounds and getting your exercise routine back

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Top 8 Fitness Tips For Christmas

It’s one of the hardest seasons of the year to keep yourself in shape, what with all the temptations of delicious food and a lack of motivation and time to exercise. Not only are there these distractions, there’s also the uninviting chilly weather outside

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6 Indoor Workouts For Winter

For the dedicated long-distance runner, rower or cyclist, winter can be a pretty dark time (in more ways than one). Cold, windy and just occasionally wet, it often becomes necessarily to hold back on that early morning run, or to put away the tennis rackets,

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